design 36 design dilemma... we received an email asking...
I am a renter, the white walls make me nuts. What can I do ?
design 36 says...
It never hurts to ask your landlord if you can paint, especially if you have a long lease or plan on staying a few years. Sometimes they may have color restrictions and either want to approve the color first or ask you to only use beige. In that case beige is better than white. Landlords usually repaint prior to a new tenant moving in anyway... so you may luck out and they will agree. If they decline your painting request, hang either fabric panels or find some great floor to ceiling draperies to hang and cover the main walls or large walls. Inexpensive curtain rods... or wire systems. If you have a no holes in walls policy, use push pins. They do the job nicely, it takes a little patience to hide them, but in the end you will love the outcome. Good luck and let us know the outcome.